The original Station in 1972, today this portion is the social hall section of the building. Expansion done in 1990.
'52 FWD in service '72-88
'56 American Lafrance in service '72-81

'69 International 4750 gallon tanker

'78 GMC Utility Truck
in service 83-95

'81 Saulsury Mini-Pumper
in service 81-05

'88 FMC PEM FAB Engine
in service 88-99

'96 KME rescue engine
in service 96-09

2000 KME rescue
In service 02-11

'78 International 4400 gallon tanker "Moby Dick"
retired in '06

'96 KME 3000 gallon Tanker
in service 06-09

'96 Pierce Engine Retired in 2015
Replaced by Current Squad Rescue Engine

Special Services Retired in 2015.
Replaced by Current Squad Rescue Engine

'09 ford TAC-37

'00 KME 75' arial Ladder
In Service '00 Thru '18